12 BEST Banana Pudding Recipes

All the recipes you'll ever need to make the perfect Banana Pudding (from traditional to easy recipes) plus fun spins on this classic southern dessert!

I know we do some weird stuff around here in the South. We paint the ceilings of our porches blue to keep the ghosts away (see below). We’ll give our children more names than will fit on a school registration form. Way out in the country, we’ll bury tires halfway in the dirt, paint them white and call it yard art. We’ll monogram our boots, pajamas and anything else an embroidery needle will pass through. We can have some funny ways.

And we eat some weird stuff too. We eat Neck Bones & Rice, boiled peanuts, chitterlings (not me, though… as long as ramen noodles are 5 for $1 I won’t ever be hungry enough to eat chitterlings), every kind of greens you can imagine, Catfish Stew and umpteen other things other folks might find odd. And we eat Banana Pudding.

I know Banana Pudding isn't weird, per se. What I didn’t know was that none of Husband’s family in Canada had ever even heard of it. The last time we were up there I said I’d make a Banana Pudding for dessert and everyone looked at me kinda crazy. I explained what it was and no one looked very enthusiastic about it but I knew as soon as they tasted it they would LOVE it!

I ran to the grocery store to pick up the ingredients and – y’all aren’t going to believe this – the store didn’t have vanilla wafers! I looked up one side and down the other of the cookie aisle then finally asked an employee who stared at me like I had six heads. Side note about that… that is the general response I get most places I go in Canada. I’m so used to hearing other accents (because lots of folks migrate here, vacation here, etc.) but I image it isn’t too often that someone in Belleville, Ontario hears a Southern accent. Especially a drawl like mine 😁

Welp. No one knew what a nilla wafer was and I couldn’t find anything I thought would be a good substitute (limited selection in the store I was in) so I didn’t make it. But as a testament to how HUGE Banana Pudding is, I wanted to put together a collection of Banana Pudding inspired recipes just to put some perspective on how big of a deal it is.

When a dessert inspires OTHER dessert ideas, you’ve got a classic!

Oh, real quick, before we get to the recipes! Here's what I meant when I said we paint our porch ceilings blue....

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